Thursday, February 23, 2012

Meddle with Nettle

Attraction is a funny thing.  One week, you're going about your life, business as usual, and the following week there are all these impressions that don't let go.  Like herbs for me lately.  First it started with wanting fresh herbs in everything: foods I cook, juices I juice, teas and infusions.  Then it seemed to expand into tinctures and finding my way back via internet to long lost "ideology buddies" like Susun Weed and Corinna Wood (wise woman herbalists; see Corinna's article below) whom I have followed for years and with whom I keep saying I'm going to study, the integrity of their products are so remarkable.

So researching one herb, I came across another-- repeatedly.  Nettle.  Nettle's extreme nutritional value and prickly nature (hard to get at without a few stings) make them completely charming to me (same for people and animals with similar characteristics).

Nettle: My Favorite Herb for Women
by Corinna Wood

As always, it is always best to consult with your health care practitioner when taking herbal medicines or when considering any before-mentioned health practices.


  1. You've found a very interesting angle to write from -- I wish you luck! Since you straddle a variety of disciplines, your insights will be welcome.

    And, btw, your description of "Infant Qigong" was pretty cool.

    1. Thanks Walt, for your warm words. It's good to hear what resonates with people. I welcome you to this blog!

  2. just grab the nettles hard... they won't sting.
