Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Dosha for Now

Photo:  Ernst Haas
Sometimes we find ourselves without an anchor, actively flailing, trying to find a semblance of purpose, clarity, a sense of groundedness.  All the prayer, meditation and seeking of a stillness doesn't help the confusion and discord one is living.  In all of that struggle it is difficult to accept the conditions and uncertainty that is in this Now.  We are a sail, flapping in the wind, our bow and stern unaligned.  The mast no longer the sturdy, unmoving vertical of Me, but the foil for the clanging rig.

Since the usual means that provides clarity and a type of security is unavailable, what is required?  Perhaps the chaos experienced is part of the organic cycle, necessary for an evolution.  Perhaps patience, tolerance and acceptance is the buried treasure at the bottom of the extreme discomfort. Perhaps it is a lesson to not live dependently on "methods" or ways to bring calm.  Human frailty is our constant companion. It's one moment at a time when one is flapping in the wind.

Is it possible to look toward some ancient ideology for navigation when being grounded is not an option? The three dosha types in Ayurveda are not a come-and-go aspect of the self, but fairly permanent.  The fact is, very few of us are purely single dosha types; we have all elements of each of the three doshas in us, usually one or two of them is most pronounced.  But doshas are universal, so why not take the qualities and work with them where we are experiencing ourselves now.

The three dosha types in Ayurveda are:  Vata (air/ether), Pitta (fire/water) and Kapha (earth/water).  As in Chinese medicine, Ayurveda has a complex and layered ideology which impacts every aspect of life. In terms of looking at where we find ourselves in a moment, when there is a lack of groundedness present, we often are experiencing "air" quality.  In Ayurveda, Vata dosha is represented by the qualities of air and/or ether.  Like vapor, this quality is manifested one moment and gone the next.  Mystery, creativity (turning illusions), innovation are aspects pronounced with air-types.  One's approach can not be direct, but the magician's ability to turn something into something else becomes a talent.  If the decision is not to resist the lack of groundedness one is feeling, another choice might be to work with the Vata quality moment.  Allow creativity, new ideas, "dream time" to be present and to manifest.  Be sparing with gross, extensive energy output, as that is not the quality of energy available at this moment.  Sensitize oneself to the ephemeral, the subtle, this may be of use before the cycle returns to "earth/grounded" actions.

The earth's power of groundedness may not be available, nor a direct use of force possible.  This "doing" is most often familiar to Kapha types.  In the human energy cycle we are not always earth-bound.  We have other resources at our disposal.  One is reminded of the effective use of martial Tai Chi (using an other's force by allowing, relinquishing one's own force).  Through relaxation and a connection to one's centered dantian, understanding how to use others energetic output and force becomes more available.  As air, one  moves as the wind takes you; a flexibility, acceptance and opening to other unforeseen possibilities exist.

Elementally, water influence is another aspect we may find in ourselves.  It is often the surreal arena.  The place of illusion, non-clarity, distortion of ideas or place are frequently present. Water's effectiveness is in its relentless repetition in wearing a stone (an idea, a resistance) away.  Unabated vigilance is a strong characteristic.  We have been or known in others this quality's effectiveness; an even, steady wave that just keeps repeating over and over and over again.  Not successful the first or fiftieth time?  Just send in another wave or simply another drop.  Eventually, it's impact will be made.

An approach of heightening qualities of an available dosha or element when another is lacking or unavailable can help the movement that might be needed now. Through our timelines, there are times when a fire or heat is required but not available.  Awareness of the need and an understanding how to harness it from our environments or create a like energy source from another aspect of our being is an adaptation to what is.  These innate gifts provide unique qualities.  When one can't be grounded or centered through the power of earth energy, there are other ways of approach which can be effective.

basic information on doshas:

on Doshas - Blue Lotus Ayurveda

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