Monday, April 2, 2012

On Fire: the State of Chronic Inflammation

Napa Campfire images, photo credit:  Will Fraser
Inflammation is the miraculous response of the  body telling you something is wrong. Occurring after injury or sometimes in the normal course of living, inflammation brings on pain, discomfort, bloating, reflux and a myriad of other symptoms.  Most of the time we just live with it.  But the problem with living with inflammation is that we stop noting the onset and continuation of it, the degrees of discomfort it causes.  It goes from being an acute problem (short term) to a chronic condition.  When this happens, inflammation can be a killer.  Chronic inflammation is linked to heart disease, cancer and arthritis.

We live in inflamed times.  High levels of chronic stress, poor dietary choices ( see Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid), exposure to toxins (ie: foods that are laced with pesticide, second hand smoke, commercial grass/plant fertilizers, chlorinated pool or drinking water, vehicle emissions), spiritual alienation and/or strife (symptomology presents as irritability, lack of tolerance for the unknown, anxiety, attachment to control), electro-magnetic (technology) or radiation (unprotected sunlight) exposure are but a few ways low to high grade inflammation can become chronic.

One of the precursors to being systematically in an inflammed state is linked to the pH levels in our body. The more acidic our bodies, the greater chance of inflammation.  We want to lean toward a more alkaline pH.  Foods that promote alkaline pH are mentioned in the above food pyramid and here alkaline foods list. Generally, staying away from processed foods, red meat, most animal products, increasing non-starch vegetable intake and decreasing high-fructose foods (processed, sugar-based) helps to decrease acidic pH levels. An intact and robust immune system keeps inflammation in check.

Emotional states and an overloaded/balanced central nervous system effects the acid/alkaline levels in the body. Stress and general chronic negativity changes our body's pH to be more acidic. Avoid long term anger, misery, bitterness, resentment, and fear. Prayer, meditation, and the practice of forgiveness and gratitude supports our well being, impacting pH positively.

The challenge I see as a life/health coach in identifying inflammation problems is awareness.  People, as mentioned, put up with bloating, reflux, chronic runny noses, mucous in their stool, yeast conditions, chronic joint and muscle pain (all indicators of inflammation in the body) as a matter of routine if they notice it at all. Pain and inflammation are the body's cues it is time to take a different tact in one's lifestyle behaviors.

Following are some good resources regarding diet and natural approaches to pain and inflammation.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet - Dr. Weil

Make muscle pain a memory with ginger 20 Pain Cures You Can ... informative daily help

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