The word "protection" tends to raise red flags. But in my mind, protection is as benign as brushing your teeth routinely or getting your oil changed on the car every few months. Care and a thoughtful maintenance are precursors to both providing and protecting. For both realists and alarmists, protection is required when one is vulnerable, in a weakened moment, or partial to victimization at a given time. As a generalization, responsible parents are exemplary at this and I've noticed as a group, men also are very good at it, when cued into that part of their nature. Call it sexist, call it chivalrous, there is something comforting in watching men vigilantly watch out for their women folk in the myriad of ways that they do.
Protection comes in many forms; who you are, what you believe, what rituals you are familiar and comfortable with will dictate what form will serve you. Every religion has their symbology which can serve as protection. Christians have worn crosses around their necks for centuries for (Jesus') protection. Veils required in some religious houses hearkens back to the dark ages when veils were seen as a protection from evil spirits (bad spirits skim off the head gear and avoid synagogue/temple entry?). High thresholds (18") at the entry of traditional Chinese abodes are meant to trip up evil spirits. If you were the mythological god Achilles, you'd know what you would have to protect. And so it is with us.
Flight or fight responses are protective mechanisms. A vulnerable person in a threatening situation could get their rankles up, be peskily annoying, scream, argue or take the fall back approach of disappearing or acting ignorant/stupid. Any one of these choice of expressions is an individual's hedged bet that they will be left alone or be helped (squeaky wheel gets the grease, no matter what squeaky sounds like).
Then we have provide and protect tactics when dealing with energy; our own or others. Talismans like jewelry, stones, pendants that have significance (have been blessed, come from a strong source) are often used. My mother used to tell me engagement rings (even though they came first) went second over wedding bands as a source of protection for the marriage. Prayer or ritual around safeguarding one's own energy field in preparation of a difficult encounter or anticipated negative field is useful. "Power" clothing and certain colors are psychic and psychological protection for perhaps an intrepid meeting. The main action is one of creating an intention while including provisions that become a reassuring reminder.
What would be a meaningfully considerate act to ourselves when approaching a threat? The very consideration of the question is the first step in providing protection and a thoughtful care gesture to oneself. Things and situations that threaten, scare and steal energy from us cannot always be avoided. Entering the crucible is often necessary for our arising. But considering what protects our energy, rituals that support our being--- is a self-care approach that affirms a right self-Love.